In sharp contrast to May Day – the uplifting spring festival – Mayday called out three times is a distress signal. The word comes from the French “m-aidez” which means help me.

I am crying “help” as I seem to stumble around seeking a way to help ameliorate in some way the climate crisis; abbreviate the unnecessary war in the Ukraine; reduce inequality of all types – and the list goes on. Being an artist gives me an opportunity to help – by using my creativity as a megaphone of sorts by bringing visual awareness to some of these worldwide problematic human issues.

In my last newsletter I presented artwork where I drew attention to dangers inherent in nuclear power. Renewed emphasis on the hostile potential use of nuclear weapons by Putin brings to the fore once again the threats to life from an atomic war. My painting, “Nuclear Rods” draws attention to the rods used in nuclear reactors, a necessary component of nuclear fuel generation. The undeniable fact is that there are many links between nuclear power and nuclear weaponry. Hence: “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!” We CAN help by focusing our energies toward using alternative energy, and by eliminating old and new nuclear power stations.

Art Tip: Layering

In my previous blog post, I gave a tip about painting with fluorescent color. In the “Nuclear Rods” painting, I used fluorescent blue and green acrylic to create a glow effect. In so doing, I painted many, many layers. A richness in artwork can be achieved through layering and I would like to recommend the website of a very accomplished artist whom I admire: Nancy Reyner. She has mastered the art of layering! Here is the link to her informative blog which is the best I have read about layering.


That’s how the light gets in.


Dust to Dust