Our National Parks

While taking some quiet time this past June to experience Zion and Bryce National Parks in Utah, I was able to experience some much needed inner strength, peace and sustenance.   I returned to my studio and completed work reflecting my concern about the Trump administration’s plan to practically silence the Environmental Protection Agency. This current government in DC apparently proposes to cut funding of the EPA by 31%; expand the use of pesticide licensing fees in the parks; and lease land for oil and gas exploration in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.   "Mr. Trump’s Interior Department is also drawing up plans to reduce wilderness and historic areas  that are now protected as national monuments, thus creating even more opportunities for profit". (NY Times, August 6, 2017)

These decisions are disturbing.

In my paintings I used a combination of acrylic, watercolor, ink, graphite and natural pigments on 30” x 20”.

“By assaulting nature, we raise the odds that we will assault each other. By bringing nature into our lives, we invite humility”.  ”Six Ways Nature in Our Lives Can Reduce Violence in Our World”. Richard Louv syndicated from equussantafe.com, Richard Louv, Nov. 14, 2016


A New Blog Series: Nuclear Power, Radiation and Toxic Mining


Seeds of Change